Vial To Keymap Drawer

This tool takes your Vial .vil layouts and converts them to YAML files that you can give to keymap-drawer (web) to render your layout to SVG/PNG images!
(full description and source code)
Note on VIA support The tool will try to process VIA keymaps, but if you've got a split keyboard that only runs VIA, tough luck - VIA backups do not contain any information about which keys belong to which row, so you might have to enter the key ranges by hand.
Consider using via2json instead.
What kind of keyboard is this? (as per Configurator)
Layout name (optional; also look it up in Configurator):
Include only these layer(s):
Keys out of order or too many keys? Omit keys that are KC_NO on:
Key move definitions (old row, old col => new row, new col):
OR enter key ranges to pick from the source file:
Encoder "key" locations (row, col => index):
Customization Layer names:
Custom key labels (layer, row, col => newkey):
Mark keys that are disabled on all layers as: Note: Dashed border/invisible styles only work in dev version of keymap-drawer as of Sep 2023.
Pick (or paste) your VIL layout:

Output YAML-JSON: Output log:
A tool by YellowAfterlife.
You can give me a few dollars for making this.